Monday, March 3, 2008

i coincidently looked at the mirror today, after i greeted my mom in her room.
I didn't give a second of it, whether someone was there or not.
it was just a figure to me, a thing.
After i realized this i looked back up and though
-is that me? really?
At that moment i didn't confirm anything in the room other than the colors that surrounded me,
Baige, red, brown, yellow,
and to myself i looked deep into the thoughts in my infinite eyes.

Every time i look into the sliding mirror door i always recognize myself,
i always confirm it is me.
Alex, or A-Cal,
Son of Martha and Marcos.

But today was different.
Today something was different.
maybe I've been getting used to to the college experience,
so much so that i don't recognize myself in my usual settings.
Maybe Asia 300 is my usual setting?

But today was different.
Today something was different,
something was missing.

Maybe i am possessive,
maybe i didn't really recognize myself until today.
All those days of confriming my own exsitince as
Alex, or A-Cal,
Son of Marcos and Martha
was just a facade.

Maybe now i know who i am
Alex, or A-Cal,
Son of Marcos and Martha

I recognize myself today because i recognized something was missing