Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Random Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008

If you haven't heard the song "Dancing with the devil" by Immortal techniques you should look it up. Fuck it, i'll give you the friggin' link.


It's the first song, listen to the lyrics, notice the beat, etc. That song has some dope stuff to offer. I think everyone should listen to it really. It's a reality check for "gangsters." -- maybe.
I can't get over the effects of the song, you should really check it.

On another note, I think I'm going to start collecting cd's. So far i got some ray Charles, Miles Davis, An Angle, Jane Liu, and a couple other. Hopefully I'm getting some Gypsies Kings, Specials, and Cold War Kids coming my way on the cd tip.

What else is there to talk about?
Oh yeah i started a new blog, it's pretty cool.
You should visit it, it's on my side bar under Quicky Style Tips.
I'm juast putting anything that relates to style on it, whether it be dancing, music or fashion.
Keep checking on it and give me your comments please.
I;'m actually going to go ahead and expand on what i think of the "dancing with the devil" song on there now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha cool man my little bother has been on the Immortal Technique tip for the last to weeks ever since i took him to the record store and, bought Revolutionary volumes 1 and 2.
word up!
