Tuesday, January 1, 2008

They say that if you get two people who are a lot alike together it's silent.

For example, whenever JFK and MLK got together they say it was almost completely silent because they were a lot a like and they were both powerful leaders.

I experience that a lot with her, and i also experienced it today with her and Jane.

I was making pasta for all of us and it was silent a lot, but it was comfortable.
Though i felt like a bad host for not having nice conversation and att imes it did feel a little awkward, but i think that was just me.
It was nice.
Damn good pasta too.


Jenny June2 said...

hello worst host in the universe =). haha

Jane said...

i felt comfortable. oh, except when jenny would stare at me. that was creepy :]

Jenny June2 said...

why do i always have to be the source of all the creepiness? :[

MeM said...

I tend to disagree because when Jenny and I get together, we don't shut up.