Tuesday, June 10, 2008

After a little 45 minute session i hopped in the shower and well...took a shower. i was thinking about the tatto i plan to get. it's Siddartha, later to be known as Buddha, sitting under the famous bohdi tree where he found enlightenment. The bodhi trees' roots will crawl all the way down to my fingers and it'll look pretty tight. i also want to get some more tatt's but that is the one i look forward to and planned out most. As i was thinking this i was wondering if I'd be considered a hypocrite. Everyone has seen those guys who wear tribal tattoos who's closes encounter to any tribe is in the back of a casino pucking they're all-you can eat buffet. I thought, no I'm not because I'm not getting Buddha, I'm getting premature Buddha; before enlightenment. Plus i don't drink. But to get back to my point, i further defend my siddartha tattoo by saying under the bodhi tree is where he had to overcome his test on the way to enlightenment. Therefore i'm not saying I'm enlightened, nor am i showing my worship to buddha ( that'd be hypocritical in so many ways), I'm just relating to him and looking to him to find my own enlightenment. Just as he did.
As i was thinking all this i also thought across a book i remember reading, i forgot which one but none the less i remember reading that it was recorded that whenever buddha was asked about ladies under any terms he would simply imply stay aware and stay awake- i think. anyways i was a little confused by this and further thought that buddha had nothing against women, he just knew the mind was frail and weak and had to over come many test. also the root of all suffering, known as the first of noble truths, is suffering. Therefore if you do not stay awake and aware the next thing you are gunna realize is that you're attracted to the girl you're thinking about kama sutraing.
This also lead to the thought that buddhism is quite inappropriate in this time and day. before you say anything let me finish. Buddhism is the enlightenment of an individual. if every individual was to be enlightened we would all get along and we would all die sooner or later, but not only that but there would be no more human race. thats fine and dandy until you think about how badly we've fucked our selfs already. First off we have who knows how many nuclear weapons, and the planet is turning to an open debris air garden. lets clean our mess while we try to find enlightenment and hope cleaning is done before the latter.
I'm just saying, we should mind our manners.

Now that i re-read this whole thing, the whole damn thing just sounds like me ranting. but since i haven't updated in a while i think I'll post my wild shower adventure.

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