Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sunday night before last

"There was a time that this wasn't called 'Hop-Hop', it was just shit you did."
- Futura

I started to write an entry about this that took up a few pages in my notebook almost bashing people who do "Hip-Hop Choreography". Then I realized that 90% of you won't get it. So I'll leave you with the quote that storm told us at story tellers night. This quote simmered in my head for a long while and will stay with me. Thanks Storm.

Thoughts manifested from conversation between StormKo, Optic, Mars, Drah, Bookum and I.


crizul said...

lol you're right. i never know what to say about your dance blogs... but i'm glad your soo passionate about it.

but lots of my friends are into hip hop choreography... i hope you don't look down on them? =/

Kent said...

hahaha no, no. I don't look down on anyone Criselle! but if I were to write quickly in my blog then it would probably come out that way. See, I only write one sentence about it and it already seems like I'm trying to say something. lol If you really wanna know then ask me when we get some time together. :]

crizul said...

and when would we get time together! :(
i've been home for 2 weeks now!

Kent said...

Criselle. You are well aware that you have my number, you can always txt or call me to see when we both have free time. psh.