Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Catalyst; November 14, 2007

Today was a good day in terms of my inspiration for Hip-Hop.
I've come to a new theory that I've been feeling uninspired to dance and, put simply, be funky because of my lack of sleep. In practice i felt quite refreshed and couldn't help my self, i just wanted to get down. Mane1's words just kept cycling through my head "get down at the get down" and "I see you A-Cal!" (From the danceteria, Vol. 2, Mix). Mane is you're reading this, yes you are a huge inspiration to me, a real hero figure. Something that has just recently gone through my head is the day i talked to Joey Gold, he complimented me. Joey is a legend, though right now he might not give a fuck, but he is. Anyone who knows B-Boying, anyone who knows what it truly means to get down, knows the urban legend of Joey Gold. i would go more into detail,. but i;m not. Anyway, after the danceteria in march? February? He complimented me on my style, very Cooley, and left. Given this compliment, i feel want to prove that he did not waste such words, and it made me feel that i have potential, and i want to prove the both of us right.
Another thing that has inspired the Hip-Hop nugget in my thoughts is the discussion i had With Julz and Joules. We were talking about different B-Boys, and appreciation for the dance. it made me so happy to be able to talk to some one about it, i honestly keep it all in. thats all i really want to talk about; music and b-boying. When i;m with mane, or any other older kat, i keep my mouth shut. I listen to what they have to say, and construct new theorys and ideas. I've never really been in a situation where i get to freely speak my mind in such a way that people listen to me, and i listen back, gentleman like.
That is why i do, what i do; for the sake of the gentleman.

(damn, that sound fuckin title? essay title? you tell me. )


Anonymous said...

haha i guess two comments in one day.
another question.
what is your definition of a "gentlement"? as in, how can a person be classified a gentlemen? i know its not just about holding open doors, dressing or smelling nice. what exactly is it?

(and a thought, if you dont mind...)
i would like to tell you who i am, but as some say, some things are best kept a secret. but can you guess who i am? ;)

Kent said...

A gentleman,
A gentleman.
A gentleman is not the way one looks, nor how he smells, that it true.
A gentleman is a way of mind, and really; a way of living.
A gentleman is respectable, honorable, moral, and proper.
it's hard to define a gentleman, but truly its a person who treats everyone and thing with respect, love, and kindness. That is truly hard to find in todays world/society.
yes i know who are, and you know i know too.

djmaneone said...

u are coming along well young jedi

environment has a lot to do with being inspired or not

the friends or people around you also contribute in the development of your inspiration

keep that in mind

Anonymous said...

"A gentleman is respectable, honorable, moral, and proper.... That is truly hard to find in todays world/society."
(they truely are hard to find. i guess thats why i'm so picky, as i think of it now. you can find a nice guy, but then they'll just be in the relationship for sexual reasons. i personally do hate that. as you said, there are billions of guys in this world, but sometimes it feels like i'll never find the right one. lol i'm still young and naive, but not stupid. amazing right? haha or i should correct myself, *not that stupid. some guys who like me try to change, but i dont want that. or are basically two-faced, they try to seem like something they're not. its weird. but i guess i'm weird too. as i think of it, many guys can make me smile, but they truely cant make me happy. i guess my smiles are a little bit different, most smiles are known to show signs of happiness, but i guess mine just show i'm ok, and not mad or sad. and you do know i smile a lot. lol and i guess, right now, this moment, i, myself, cant classify happy, or even define what it even is. i know its part of a feeling, but i wonder what the rest is. you know? :] )