Sunday, November 25, 2007

I have my different types of inspiration today.

You see,
I was watching the movie "The Warriors" today and it hit me.
Theres always the subject of inspiration on my mind and what hit me is the thought of the different type of inspirations i have, and how they influence me.

When I'm listening to music i dominantly listen to Sarah Vaughn, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Jane Lui, Joe Winder, The Angle, etc.
Of coarse i listen to the occasional The Pharcyde, Amy Winehouse, Archie Bell and the Drells, Aretha Franklin, Dj Mane One Mix's and stuff like that. But really i've dominantly listening to all that easy stuff mentioned before.

When i watch movies i watch movies like Sining In The Rain, On The Town, The Warriors, Star Wars, and so many others. it's a weird mix of musicals and some hard ass shit like warriors and star wars.
When i dance, i draw my inspiration from the movies I've seen. I kind of like to hop when i'm top rocking, and i guess i get that from the musicals (thanks Gene Kelly). My persona is kinda hard, kinda serious, i guess influenced by the warriors and Good 'ol Darth. Mostly the warriors, since when you first see them you don't think they're very tough but when you see them get down they're fuckin hard. Thats how i like to be when i dance, you get to meet me and i'm kinda an easy, nice, cool guy. The real "nice guy" or whatever, but when i get down i like being serious, i don't like playing around too much, it messes with my head.

Oh yeah, but the the music i mentioned first, thats my inspiration for life really. Outside of BBoying, I'm going to school, working, having friends, writing as much as i can, and a lot of thinking. Maybe thats why i haven't been really feeling like dancing, i haven't really found that balance of music that slows me down and paces me, and music and movies that really get me pumped and raw.
I don't know about you, but Sarah Vaughn defiantly doesn't get me in the mood to bboy.

I need to find that balance in my life.


Jenny June2 said...

LOL. Yeah, I don't think Sara Vaughn would get me to dance either =/. Balance, that reminds me of star wars... light and dark, i guess you should try and find the mix of both; the gray?

Kent said...

thats funny because i was thinking of star wars as i was re-reading it.
Yeah, i guess i have to learn about my inner Grey? lol

Elma Joy said...

i love that movie!

&haha, about the slippery elma street
every time i pass that now
ill think of you :]

yay! im glad you blog too :D
im gonna add you to my list